The increase in the fuel cause many negative impacts in the community. It has been predicted by the executive, but there is a positive side of this increase of the electrical energy needs in the community by using the nuclear reactor.
Nuclear Energy was confronted by many advanced countries such as USA, UK, Germany, etc., but as long as its utility on the community advantage then this is highly boosted. One of them is the development of nuclear reactor to meet the needs of electricity; the government has begun to realize its plan especially in Indonesia.
If you take a look and learnt from Elementary School up to University, it shows us that the increase of population go straight proportionate to the needs of energy, especially to countries that show the development of the industrial agricultural population. The diminish of conventional energy sources (such as oil and gas), and limited resources to environmental support effects of the use of conventional energy sources is part of the reason for choosing the nuclear energy as an alternative and backup energy needs in the country and create a successful reform of the energy.
In the world at this time there are 441 nuclear reactors. In fact, until the year 2020 State Electricity will be 126 units. From that amount, 40 of them are in China. China State Electricity has been determined utilizing a cheap, safe and clean to meet the needs of 1.3 billion people. In other countries, France meets 78 percent of the electricity needs of State Electricity. Japan also, about 40 percent of electricity needs from State Electricity that has been gained from State Electricity. Recently, U.S. President George W Bush has delivered the planned construction of the U.S. nuclear energy by 2010, and reminded about the dangers of dependence on oil. Giving an example France, China and India, President Bush urged the program 1.1 billion U.S. dollars to promote the construction of nuclear power energy, something the U.S. has not done since 1970s.
In fact, in the U.S., 2002 U.S. president George Bush has launched Nuclear Power 2010 program with a focus on the commercialization of generation III + reactor. This program is supported by the U.S. Energy Policy Act 2005 (Epact 2005). Based on this Law on the Government to provide three forms of U.S. subsidy for the nuclear industry: production tax credit equal to 18 U.S. dollars / MWh to 125 million U.S. dollars per 1,000 MW, provisions for the insurance up to 80 percent of project cost and the federal government and risk insurance of 500 million U.S. dollars for the first two units and 250 million U.S. dollars for units 3-6. This guarantee will be paid if the delay was not caused by the recipient of the license. Many of these subsidies create economic PLTN better because a number of risks and investment costs borne by U.S. consumers and the public.
Russia and some other western European countries are countries that have used nuclear energy in electricity needs, both settlements and industry. Chernobyl tragedy and the case of radioactive waste spillage should not negate the main reason for the development of nuclear energy in Indonesia. Resources to support the construction, technology, processing uranium as a raw material for nuclear energy, radioactive waste and the processing that must be optimized.
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