Indeed, save the use of electricity household is not difficult to be implemented. It is required only the attitudes and behavior of sparingly electricity in the family member, including as follows:

1. Use of electric power that are connected in accordance with the needs of electricity day-to-day.

2. Use household equipments, especially electronic equipment appropriately and it is needed.

3. Create the habits that electricity sparingly as a daily behavior in all family members, such as:

· Turning on the electricity equipment at the time used.

· Use electrical equipments alternately which means never turn on some equipment at the same time.

· If possible, use electricity to increase family income (activities that are productive).

Tips to save electricity Lights:

· Use saving energy lights that affordable quality.

· Make a habit to turn off lighting when it is not in used.

· Use electronic Ballast and install condenser TL lamps (neon) for your comfortable

· Lights on the terrace lamp at the time of the night come and immediately
light off when the sun began to rise.

Tips to save refrigerator or freezer

· Choose a refrigerator with the size and capacity that relevant with your house power

· Make sure the refrigerator door is always closed

· Do not fill the refrigerator or freezer with over capacity,

· Avoid putting the hot food / drink into your refrigerator

· Set your refrigerator or freezer temperature in average. Never adjust into extreme low or freeze that influence the energy consumption

Tips to save electricity iron

· Choose the electricity iron that use automatic thermostat

· When ironing, set the necessary level of heating that suitable with clothes type

· Avoid plug and unplug electricity from the power

· Clean the bottom of the iron from crust that prevent heating perfectly.

· Turning off the electricity iron immediately after used or in case of using another electricity appliances

Tips to save Tape Recorder, Radio and Television

· Turn off the television, radio and tape recorder and audio equipment and other visual if it is not used.

· Make sure that television, radio and tape recorder are really switch off from the main / electricity plug, not from sleep timer. For the use of sleep timer does not cut off the flow of electricity.

Tips to save water pump

· Use water tank and turn on only when the water pump is almost empty

· It will be better when using the automatic control system that terminate electricity when it is not in used, because the more often you use the water pump, the more power/energy will be consumed

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