Nitro fuel contains castor oil, synthetic oil, or a mixture of both that possible to reduce friction and helps the RC engine run cooler. Synthetic oil lubricates well at low temperatures but at high temperatures it burns off and provides little protection. While castor oil breaks down at high temperatures that creates a lubricating film. Nitro fuel for cars usually uses castor oil or, more commonly these days, a castor oil / synthetic oil mix. RC aircraft fuel typically uses synthetic oil but may also use a castor oil / mix synthetic oil.

The amount of oil found in nitro fuel is between 8% to 25% of the range with 15%-20% being the typical amount of oil found in nitro fuel. There is some debate as to whether an RC aircraft that often runs at wide open throttle during most of its run needs a higher percentage of oil than an RC car that only runs at full throttle for short spurts. An RC car or truck with a hopped-up engine that does a lot of high speed racing may need a higher oil percentage than one running a stock engine and not involved in professional racing.

Other Types of RC Fuel

While 10% to 40% is the typical percentage of nitro in nitro fuel, you can buy fuel with as much as 60% nitro or with 0% nitro (FAI fuel). Most RC cars and trucks use 10%-40% nitro blends. RC airplanes may use lower nitro blends of 5%-10% nitro. There are also RC engines that run on regular gasoline mixed with motor oil or diesel fuel (these are engines with spark plugs rather than glow plugs) as well as jet-turbine engines that use propane or kerosene. These are specialty radio controlled models and not the kind most often sold in hobby shops.

Best Fuel for an RC Nitro Engine

It is generally best to start out with the type of fuel recommended by the manufacturer for your RC engine - and the recommended engine settings -- whether that glow engine is in a car, truck, airplane, helicopter, or boat. Once you become more familiar with your RC and understand how the various nitro blends affect performance you can start experimenting to find the nitro/oil mix that works best for the way you use your R

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